"The development of basic physical competence, such as is developed through a quality Physical Education program, has a powerful effect upon self-esteem, confidence and peer acceptance.” (Bailey 2005)
Early Years
The Early Years Physical Education program aims to offer an enjoyable and safe environment, where students can begin to experiment with the concepts of cooperation, fairness, risk taking and personal identity. The program develops basic fundamental movement skills from an early age, offering positive reinforcement and enables the students to reflect on and feel proud of their progress and achievements.
Primary Years
The Primary Years Physical Education program aims to offer an enjoyable and challenging environment, where students can begin to implement decision making processes and enhance their sense of personal identity within a team context. In the Primary Years, students begin to perform specific combinations of the fundamental movement skills within a collaborative small group or team setting.
Middle Years
The Middle Years Physical Education program, aims to consolidate the student previous experiences, instil a stronger sense of personal identity and offer opportunities for students to engage in preferred futures. As the students make their transition into the Secondary Years, the focus shifts towards specialised skills and their ability to evaluate and implement modifications to improve their performance.
At St Joseph's Memorial School Japanese is taught to students in Preschool to Year 7.
Students participate meaningfully in intercultural experiences, developing new ways of seeing and being in the world, and understand more about themselves in the process.
To find out more about the Japanese curriculum accessed by St Joseph's Memorial School students, click here.