Do All Things With Love...
Phone Number
The phone number for the school is 0881307777. The phone will be answered by either office and your call directed to the appropriate area/staff member.
Click here to view the current staff email addresses.
If you are not receiving emails from us, please email to ensure your email is correct on our system. Thank you.
Audiri app
An app used to communicate letters and information between the school and home. Please ensure you have downloaded the app, have your child's class/es selected as your groups and allowed notifications.
A communication site used to share learning in the classroom with parents and caregivers. Invitations are sent home via the classroom teacher.
Click here to access the login page for SeeSaw.
Social Media
Communication platforms (Facebook and Instagram) used to showcase the learning and events occurring at SJMS, as well as a marketing tool for our school.
Parents and Friends Facebook Page
A Facebook Group where parents and caregivers can join to see P&F news, events and sell/buy second-hand uniform.
Qkr! app
An app families can use to pay school fees, OSHC fees, lunch orders ice blocks in Term 1 and Term 4 and much more.
Qkr! app instructions.
Submitting a student absentee
Parents and caregivers can use the form in the Skoolbag app or via this website to advise when your child is absent. Please submit before 9am on the day of the absence. Thank you.
Submit an absentee.
Outside School Hours Care Software
iParent portal - the software used for the OSHC services at SJMS. Parents (once registered) can log into the portal and manage their child/ren's bookings online and check their OSHC account balance.
Please note OSHC bookings are essential to ensure a child safe environment, maintain appropriate staffing ratios and ensure we do not exceed our licence.
OSHC email
iParent portal link (for after you have registered).
OSHC registration form.
SJMS Sport
Mr William Dacombe-Bird is the SJMS PE Teacher and outside school sport coordinator. You can contact Mr Dacombe-Bird via email
Instrumental Program
Learning Through Music provides instrumental lessons at SJMS. You can contact them via email