News & Events


From Mr Canil


Dear Parents and Caregivers


“Christmas is almost here!” So what do we think of when we hear such news? Probably, the thoughts that come to mind are those associated with the necessary preparations that go to make the day an enjoyable occasion marked by lots of food, presents, lights and tinsel. But, we know of course that the meaning of Christmas will always be the birth of Jesus, God’s Son.

Christmas is an anniversary celebration of when God gave us the gift of Himself without splendour or opulence but in poverty and weakness, in the form of a tiny baby in an animal enclosure. Jesus, Son of God, emptied himself of power, privilege and possessions and was born into the human race in the humblest of manner. In the early years of the Church, Christianity grew and spread very quickly. This was because Christians were known for their unusual compassion for those around them – so different to the treatment metered out by the Romans. The firsts Christians knew that God, taking flesh in Jesus for the sake of the whole world, wasn’t an event of the past; it was the pattern for their own lives every day. People in any age of anxiety and oppression were attracted to a religion whose adherents dared not to follow the culture of the day but to transform it.

The way that our community has rallied around and supported the St Vincent Christmas Appeal is a wonderful example for us and a great reminder of the real meaning of Christmas; the hope, peace and goodwill as we celebrate the anniversary of our Saviours birth. If we choose to reach out to others in the midst of our own worrying, we too, can be liberated by the joy of knowing ourselves to be united to Christ. Also, seeing all the classes practicing for this Friday’s Christmas Carol Night really does bring out the Christmas message to all in our community. 

This time of the year also brings sadness as we say farewell to friends and colleagues who are moving onto new pastures. Some we have known for many years and others but a short time. Our Year Six’s are possibly feeling a number of conflicting emotions; happiness at graduating from Year 6, anxiety about what it could be like at High School and sadness at moving away from friends. I hope they all take away fond memories of their time at St Joseph’s and that they will remember that God will always be there for them and to let the wonder of God’s love come through their lives and allow it to be available to other people.

Thank you to the families who joined us at our End of Year Mass as we thanked God for all of the blessings we have received this year and we pray for our Year 6 Graduates as they leave this part of their journey to continue the next chapter of High School.

This Week’s Sunday Readings are:

First Reading: Isaiah 7:10-14

Second Reading: Romans 1:1-7

Gospel Reading: Matthew 1:18-24

Also, as a quick reminder that Mass times at St Ignatius Church, Norwood are:

Saturday: (Vigil) 6:00pm

Sunday: 8:30am, 10:00am, 5:00pm

Christmas Mass Times: *No bookings required this year*

Saturday: 4:00pm (Family Mass), 6:00pm (Family Mass), 8:00pm 12 Midnight

Sunday: 8:30am, 10:00am

It is with sincere sadness that I write my final newsletter item in the role of Acting APRIM at St Joseph’s Memorial School. I would like to thank the students, staff and the whole school community for making me feel so warmly welcomed during my time here. I see that the school community as positive and progressive with exciting times ahead. I wish the St Joseph’s Memorial Community all the very best for Christmas and the coming New Year. Thank you very much and may our paths cross again in the future.


“We are all a reflection of God’s love”

Franco Canil

Acting APRIM