Dear Parents and Caregivers
Reflections on Term Three
It seems as if the third term has come and gone so rapidly. However, as we approach the end of Term Three, I reflect back on what has occurred:
Season of Creation
We are currently half way through the Season of Creation. In our Catholic Church, it is a time when the Church through dialogue, offers us the opportunity to renew our relationship with God, our Creator and with creation itself.
The Adelaide Archdiocese is encouraging every person to embrace the Laudato Si’ Action Plan and adapt it to respond to our local reality by:
As part of the Season of Creation 2022 initiative in the St. Ignatius Parish, a reminder that families are invited to:
SUNDAY OCTOBER 2nd 2022 at 11.30am
Festival Choir
Next week is the Catholic Schools Music Festival, occurring most nights at The Adelaide Festival Theatre. St Joseph’s Memorial School is participating on Tuesday night, where we have Year 5 and 6 students representing our school as part of the Festival Choir. I congratulate all the children on their dedication in preparing for this event and wish them the very best when on the ‘big stage’. A big thank you to Ms Oriana Radman for preparing and organising the students since the beginning of this year.
This week, Parents and Caregivers of students in Years 3 and 5 would have received their NAPLAN results from testing earlier this year. I would like to congratulate all the students for their wonderful results. Well Done!
2023 Preschool Enrolments
Is your child ready to start Preschool in 2023 and Reception in 2024?
Places are filling fast for children born in 2019. January start if they turn 4 years of age by 30 April. July start if they turn 4 years of age between 1 May and 31 October.
Check the dates and tell your family and friends to avoid disappointment.
Pupil Free Day – Term 4
Just a reminder that Monday 18 October is a Pupil Free Day for SJMS. OSHC will be available on the day for families that require the service - a reminder to please book your child/ren in early to avoid disappointment.
On this day, the staff will be involved in a Faith Formation Day on, ‘Giving Witness to Mary’s Work Today’, spending the time with some of the Sisters of St Joseph sharing their wisdom.
As we head into the mid-semester break, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a well-deserved break. The students have all worked hard this term and it will be lovely, to not have that mad rush in the morning to get ourselves ready for school. For families who are travelling over the break, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday.
Yours sincerely
Grace Vassallo-Wakefield