News & Events


Message from Mrs Vassallo-Wakefield


Dear Parents and Caregivers

Our Mother’s Day Morning Tea in Week 2 was a wonderful celebration in our community. It was fantastic to have so many mothers and grandmothers join us on the Friday morning in the Piazza. Our Year 6 students helped to serve the wonderful goodies prepared by some of our wonderful parents.

The liturgy which was led by our Year 5/6 students and Deacon Anthony Hill was prayerful and reflective, honouring mothers and other significant women in our children’s lives.

The Mother's Day Stall was very well organised and successful. Many thanks to the Parents and Friends who organised and wrapped the beautiful gifts for our children to gift to their mothers or significant females in their lives.

Feast of the Ascension

Last weekend our Catholic Church celebrated the Feast of the Ascension. Celebrated 40 days after Easter and the resurrection of Jesus. 40 is a significant number in both the old and new testament and a reminder of the 40 year journey out of slavery to freedom for the Israelites, the 40 day flood of Noah, and the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert.

In the scriptures we hear Jesus speak to his apostles before his Ascension, saying Jesus said to them, "Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the message of God’s good news to one and all." (Mark 16:16).

Pope Francis, in his word’s also challenges us to be a community that reaches out to others and bring about the transforming love of Jesus to those within our midst:

“Jesus teaches us another way:

Go out; go out and share your testimony,

go out and interact with your brothers, go out and share, go out and ask.

Become the Word in body as well as spirit.”

200 Years of Catholic Education

On Monday 24 May 2021 we will celebrate 200 Years of Catholic Education in Australia. To mark this occasion there will be a special Mass at the Cathedral at 10.00am to which all Catholic schools are invited to send representatives. Our school leaders Felix Szarvas and Mary Bryant will accompany me to this special mass. The mass will be livestreamed via

Students from Preschool to Year 6 will participate in a School Mass on Monday followed by Buddy Class activities. A reminder to all families from Bridge Street to drop children off at our William Street site on Monday morning. Students will be walked back to Bridge Street after Buddy Class activities.

SAPOL and QR Code Check In

You may have seen in the media that SA Police have launched Operation ‘Trace’, using plain clothes police officers to ensure that people are checking in and providing their contact details when they enter a business or attend a public activity. Police officers will also be ensuring businesses have QR codes displayed, are providing a secure hard copy check-in option and that as far as possible customers and patrons are checking in.

It is therefore timely for schools to ensure they check the availability of QR code signs and remind parents about their obligations.

All adults, including staff and parents, are expected to COVID SAfe Check-In when entering classrooms/buildings on site. At this stage it is not necessary to check-in at the school gate to enter school grounds. The check-in system has important benefits in being able to quickly and accurately respond to new cases and hotspots.

Please note the COVID SAfe Check-in is purely for SA Health contact tracing purposes and does not replace your normal visitor sign-in process.

All guests should continue to sign in at the front office on arrival.

Have a wonderful weekend

Grace Vassallo-Wakefield

Acting Principal