Dear Parents and Caregivers
Welcome back. This term we welcome 4 new families who have joined the St Joseph’s Memorial School community this term. I trust that we will welcome them in true St Joseph’s Memorial spirit, ‘in all things love’.
This term is unique as well, as we congratulate 7 students who have commenced as Mid Year Reception students. We congratulate these students on turning 5 years of age and commencing school!
It has been many years since Catholic Education has offered a mid-year intake. The recent change is a wonderful birthday present for many of our students who have been looking forward to commencing school.
Feast Day of St Ignatius
On Wednesday 31 July at noon we will celebrate the Feast Day of St Ignatius with parishioners in St Ignatius Church. St Ignatius passed away on this day over 400 years ago.
St Ignatius is the founder of the Society of Jesus, or more commonly known as the Jesuits. For those who are unaware, the 'Memorial’ in our school name is a memorial to the Jesuit Fathers who came from Austria to South Australia in 1848, hence a significant day for our school and Parish.
Feast Day of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
Please jot in your diaries to join us for a Whole School Mass on Thursday 8 August at 9:15am as we celebrate the Feast Day of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. More information will be sent home later this week.
St Mary has been described as a fighter, a feminist, an educator. She was undoubtedly a person who was so empowered by her self-belief and faith that she wasn’t afraid to respectfully tackle authority - even at a personal cost to her.
Despite the hardship and resistance she faced, St Mary refused to be weighed down by them. Instead she recognised these as part of God’s plan in which she had to play her part with energy and trust. I hope that we continue to honour her vision, not just in education but as a nation to ‘never see a need without doing something about it’.
Pupil Free Days - Friday 30 August and Monday 2 September 2019
Remember to put the Pupil Free Days, Friday 30 August and Monday 2 September, into your family calendars as these dates will be Pupil Free Days for Reception to Year 7 students.
On Monday 2 September will also be our Learning Journeys, where we will open the school between 2pm and 6pm for you to come in with your child to view and discuss what they have been learning this year. This event is a wonderful way to generate conversations about the process of learning.
Bridge Street Toilets
I would like to thank the Cutillo family for kindy donating the tiles and adhesives for our Bridge Street girls toilet to be tiled. The toilets will be completed this Saturday.
Congratulations to both Hudson and Naite who have made State Teams in their respective sports of Hockey and Cross Country Running.
Flu Season
Unfortunately Term 3 has proved to be the time when the wider community is effected by colds and influenza. The viruses that cause colds and flu are spread in 2 main ways: by breathing in the fine droplets that are expelled from the nose and mouth of someone who is sick when sneezing or coughing; and by touching your mouth, nose or eyes with fingers that picked up the virus from a surface or object touched by someone who is sick. We hope this 'Cold and Flu Season' is kind to us, however we can collectively reduce the spread of respiratory infections if they arise through encouraging our young people to;
God Bless
Brady Stallard