Dear Parents and Caregivers
This is the final newsletter for the semester and I am struggling with the fact that we are half way through the year already.
This past week has been action packed, highlighted by an outstanding performance by our students at the SACPSSA Athletics meet. Read more on our Facebook page here.
Pupil Free Day - Friday 30 August and Monday 2 September 2019
In the holidays please remember to put the Pupil Free Days, Friday 30 August and Monday 2 September 2019, into your family calendars as these dates will be Pupil Free Days for Reception to Year 7 students.
Last Friday reports would have made their way home. If you haven’t received your child’s Semester 1 Report please make contact with the School Office.
Inside all reports was a letter regarding Parent Teacher Conversations. These conversations are forums to discuss points of clarification about your child’s report outcomes and any short term learning goals that are pertinent.
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
Our school will be collating data to contribute towards the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). All government and non-government schools in Australia from this year are required to participate annually in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability. The Data Collection will provide all Australian schools, education authorities and the community with nationally consistent information about the number of school students with disability and the level of adjustment being made to enable the students to access and participate on the same basis as their peers. Student’s personal details will be de-identified in the data collection and aggregated information will be provided to Catholic Education SA who will further de-identify and aggregate the data before providing the data to the Department of Education. The information needs to be reported by Friday 3rd August 2018. There are no consequences for not participating in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data. Please notify Toni Benci if you do not wish to be included in the data collection. More information is also available on the Department of Education website:
Late for School
At the start of term it is always worth remembering some simple, effective, tried and tested ways of maximising your child’s experience at school. Nothing is more basic than being in school and being in school on time.
This is our responsibility as adults, aside from the legalities of ensuring our kids get an education we have this moral obligation. All parents know that there are times when absence and lateness can’t be avoided, and we make allowances for these; but repeated patterns of lateness, especially have a deep impact on your child’s learning.
There is clear evidence from across the country that children whose attendance is poor and children who do not arrive in school on-time tend to achieve less than others. Being late for school has a negative impact on your child’s learning.
Being late for class often means important instructions are missed and the class is interrupted. Children often feel uncomfortable and on the outer with their peers. Being Just ten minutes late every day adds up to an hour a week of lost learning, which accumulates to one week of missed school a year! It is essential that children arrive on time ready to settle into their work. Arriving at least 5 minutes early before the bell allows your child to interact with their peers and teacher and get themselves ready for a busy day of learning. Attending school regularly and arriving on time helps prepare children for the real world, where punctuality is expected.
Therefore I am writing to ask you to help us in making sure your child gets the best education possible whilst they attend St Joseph’s.
I’d like to extend our thanks to everybody who has generously volunteered their time in some way, shape or form across the course of the semester. Parental support, involvement and participation in school life is something that we actively encourage and need, to be able to undertake many of the memorable events and excursions and to ensure that day to day necessities such as the canteen happen.
End of Term Arrangements
Term Two concludes this Friday at 3pm.
Safe Holidays!
Brady Stallard