News & Events


A message from the Sport Coordinator


Dear Parents and Caregivers

As our year comes to a close I would like to take the opportunity to thank all those that made our 2018 sporting year a success. Without parental support as coaches and managers we could not run our After School Sports Program. Our school participated in Summer and Winter Netball, Kanga, B Grade and C Grade Cricket, Basketball in Terms 1&2 and 3&4, Football and Soccer. With over 30 teams participating in local competitions we have provided lots of opportunities for children to experience the joy, excitement and sense of achievement that is felt when playing team sport. Playing sport can improve teamwork and leadership skills. Central to a successful operation where everyone works as a team is cooperation of both children and adults. Throughout the year we have seen children and adults make new connections and share the enjoyment of coming together on a weekly basis.

Once again thank you to our wonderful parent helpers and congratulations to our enthusiastic students who want to be part of school team sport.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Christmas.

Mary Murray

SJMS Sports