News & Events

SJMS P&F Welcome Drinks Invite.jpg

A message from the Parents and Friends


Dear Parents and Caregivers

It’s been such a wonderful year of exciting events and community spirit, we’d like to thank all the generous people in our community who volunteered their time and expertise to make 2018 such a fun filled year, we couldn’t have done any of it without such a wonderful team effort. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the dedicated staff at St Joseph’s; in all the events we organise their commitment, help and time is truly appreciated.

We are proud to announce that the money raised from this year’s stalls, morning teas, breakfasts, lunches, raffles, fun run and quiz night will go towards new electronic equipment at William St, a new front fence at Bridge St and some updates to the playing surface at Bridge St. The official amount raised will be released at the AGM early in 2019.

Welcome Drinks 2019

Please put Saturday 9 February 2019 in your diary, the P&F will be hosting our annual SJMS Welcome Drinks at the William St Campus, see the invite above for more details. All parents and caregivers are welcome, it’s a great way to meet some new people in our community or catch up with familiar faces after the summer break.

From the entire P&F Executive we hope you all have a relaxing, safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year break.

Best wishes

Bridget and Megan

P&F Co Chairs