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A message from the Assistant Principal RIM


Dear Parents and Caregivers

We are currently in the Church season of Advent, which means “coming”, and in this season, we prepare for the coming of Christ. One of the ways families prepare for Christmas is to have a Christmas tree in their homes.

The tradition of the Christmas tree is thought to have started in Germany in the 16th century when devout Christians brought decorated trees into their homes.

In 2004, Pope John Paul called the Christmas tree a symbol of Christ. This very ancient custom, he said, exalts the value of life, as in winter what is evergreen becomes a sign of undying life, and it reminds Christians of the "tree of life" of Genesis 2:9, an image of Christ, the supreme gift of God to humanity.

This year, why not have a blessing ceremony for your Christmas Tree as you wait for Christmas? Blessing the Christmas tree is a way to celebrate and prepare during the Advent season. You may bless the tree as soon as you put it up, or you can wait until after you have decorated it. When you are ready to bless the tree, turn the Christmas tree lights off and gather the family around the tree.

Designate someone to lead the following prayer.
Have everyone extend a hand in a gesture of blessing. 
Sprinkle water or holy water on the tree while praying the following prayer.

Loving God, we stand before you once again.

We stand here ready to celebrate the birth of your son, Jesus.

Bless this tree, this sign of life and freshness and perseverance in our midst.

It stands as a reminder that you are born anew in us each day.

Bless our family and friends as we celebrate this joyous season.

Keep us safe in our travels, kind in our conversations,

and gracious in our giving and receiving.

We ask you this in confidence, because we know you love us.


End of Year Liturgy of the Word & Year 7 Graduation

Thank you to all Parents, Caregivers, Families and Friends who joined us on Tuesday to celebrate the end of the School Year Liturgy of the Word and the Year 7 Graduation. It was a joyous celebration where we reflected on the year. Congratulations to all the Year 7 students who graduated and move onto their Secondary Schooling in 2019 as well as the Year 6 students who leave us to commence Year 7 in Catholic Secondary Schools in 2019. We ask that God grant you many blessings on your journey ahead.

Christmas Blessings

As we come to the end of this School Year, I would like to wish you and your families a Happy and Holy Christmas. May this Christmas Season be filled with wonder and joy as we commemorate the birth of Jesus.

Christmas Day Prayer

Lord God,

Today may we not only unwrap presents,

But may we discover more of your love.

Today may we not only eat on festive food,

But may we feast on your faith.

Today may we not only cherish happy times with family and friends,

But may we invite you into our lives.

Today may we not only sing carols that celebrate your birth,

But may we dwell upon the resurrected Christ alive this moment.

Living Lord, we long to discover your love, feast on your truth,

invite you into our lives and thank you for your sacrifice.

Amidst the presents, food and family we long to celebrate Christmas with you.



Grace Vassallo-Wakefield

Assistant Principal Religious Identity & Mission