News & Events

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A message from the Principal


Dear Parents and Caregivers

This is the final newsletter for the year and it only seems like yesterday that I welcomed everyone back after the Summer holidays. We’ve had another fantastic year in school, marked by many highlights. It’s not easy to capture the essence of this year in a couple of lines but I’ll try my best. This year we have been continually blessed by your children with their unique idiosyncrasies, personalities and traits; each one a contributory factor that helps to make our school the special place that it is.


Sometimes I think it is unfortunate that Christmas comes at the end of our school year when we are all so tired and under pressure to finish things and attend end of year parties etc, then suddenly, someone or something will happen to remind me what the Christmas season is all about. Children are still alive to the excitement and joy of Christmas. They never tire of the angels, the 3 wise men, the child born in the stable or the shepherds and the star. Many adults say that they are “over Christmas” or “can’t be bothered anymore, it’s all too hard”.

We adults have a lot to learn from children, especially the excitement and anticipation they can generate at this time of year. I can still remember how excited I used to get before Christmas, especially Christmas Eve. We would spend time as a family watching the portable black and white Voxel television borrowed from Nanna’s only for the school holidays. After Mass we would go around the streets looking at all the Christmas lights and decorations in people’s yards and houses and then home again to try and go to sleep ready for the big day. At home I receive so much enjoyment from the excitement and anticipation.

This time of the year also brings turmoil as we bring about closure, as we say farewell to friends and colleagues who are moving on to new pastures. Some we have known for many years and others but a short time. Our students felt a number of conflicting emotions; happiness - graduating from Year 6 and Year 7 this week, anxiety - about what it could be like at High School and sadness - moving away from friends. I hope they all take away fond memories of their time at St Joseph’s Memorial and remember that God will always be there for them and to let the wonder of God’s love come through their lives and allow it to be available to other people. We wish them every continued success and happiness in these new opportunities

So when you wish someone a Merry Christmas this year think about that first Christmas, the birth of the Christ child and the wishes and gifts he brought and still brings to humanity. What do you wish for yourself and others? What are you doing to make this year a ‘Merry’ Christmas?

Thank you

The support we receive from the parent and wider community allows us all to work with a mutual respect and understanding that underpins our core values. Throughout the year we all have sought to improve our school. If I were to list all of the excursions, events, performances, sporting opportunities, enhancement and enrichment activities, school and individual achievements, it would be longer than anything Father Christmas has received! Suffice to say everything undertaken has been a source of learning, improvement and pride to the school. We look forward to another exciting year in 2019.

As a working parent of school children I appreciate the lengths all of you go to in support of your children and our school. I extend my thanks to everyone who has generously volunteered their time in some way, shape or form across the course of the year. Parental support, involvement and participation in school life is something that we actively encourage and need, to not only undertake many of the memorable events and excursions, but to ensure that day to day necessities such as the library operate. This visible support is a ‘key stone’ of our partnership and it constantly serves as a strong reminder of the special relationship that exists at our school between the experts/parents and the professionals/school staff.

Many thanks to everyone who has taken the time and effort to support those who are less fortunate than us at this time of year with food hamper and giving tree donations. Your generosity may never be acknowledged by the recipient of your gift but it will always be appreciated.

Farewelled Staff

This year we farewelled Mrs Mantel, Mr Hanrahan (IT Contractor) and Mrs Clark. We are seeking a Lead Teacher in the Preschool to replace Gail. As mentioned previously Gail has been a long serving staff member and an instrumental leader of the Preschool. On Tuesday we gave her an appropriate send-off for her 28 years of service. Upon appointing Gail’s replacement I will inform the community via the Skoolbag app.

Lisa Clark also left at the end of this year as she resumes her permanent position at St Francis de Sales, Mount Barker. Lisa has been a great asset to the school this year. Her expertise in Teaching and Learning, particularly assessment has really added to our organisational knowledge.

We have also been blessed by Mr Hanrahan’s IT knowledge over the past several years and wish him all the best as he embarks on his retirement in the country.

Reports and Class Placement Letters

Last Friday you should have received your child’s Semester 2 report and on Monday a letter detailing your child’s class placement for 2019. Over the course of this entire term we have been finalising the class placements for 2019. This time consuming and complex process was undertaken by the leadership team with the support of all the teachers to develop the right mix of students in the best possible fit in terms of both class sizes and class structures. Throughout the process consideration was given to a range of factors including parental requests, student friendship groups and requests, academic achievement, learning styles, age, gender, previous class history, social, emotional and wellbeing, siblings and relatives.

On Monday the students spent some time with their 2019 class, which gave all students the opportunity to begin a new relationship with their 2019 teacher and class cohort. We understand that this can be challenging, but acknowledge that this is a great life skill.

Signing off for 2018

As Principal it is very assuring to work in the knowledge that we have your continued support for our school. I sincerely thank you for this. As we conclude the year I’d like to wish everyone a happy and holy Christmas, we look forward to hearing all the exciting news from the summer holidays when we recommence on Tuesday 29 January 2019.

God Bless

Brady Stallard