News & Events


A message from the Parents and Friends Committee


Dear Parents and Caregivers

It was wonderful to see so many happy faces at Sports Day, we would like to thank all the staff and students for making it such a wonderful day.

Face Painting – Mission Day

The P&F will be organising the face painting stall at Mission Day - Wed 14 Nov - again this year. We will need some parent helpers to help paint the children faces, there is no prior experience required. It’s always a popular stall so the more helpers the better. Please let us know if you can help by contacting us via email (below).

Last Lunch Order

Lunch order forms for our last lunch order for the year will be out very soon. Please make sure you get your orders in by the cut off time. Our volunteers need time to collate and order the goods, late orders cannot be accepted; we thank you for your understanding.

After numerous lunch orders this will be Vikki McIntyre’s last time helping to organise the lunches, we would like to express our thanks to her for her time and patience in making sure lunch orders are a success.

Looking towards 2019

Remember, if you have any feedback or new ideas for next year’s P&F events please feel free to contact us via email or have a chat next time you see us around school. We have a couple of long-standing P&F Executive members stepping down at the end of the year, so it’s a good time to think about joining the P&F Executive for 2019. We meet twice a term to organise some of the wonderful events that happen around the SJMS community, to help fundraise and to help promote the wonderful community spirit at SJMS. It’s a great way to meet new people and be involved in the SJMS community. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the P&F Executive or are keen to get involved.

Warm regards

Bridget and Megan

P&F Co Chairs