Wednesday 20 November 2019

Catholic Education South Australia

SJMS Newsletter

Week 6 Term 4 2019

Photo: Year 4/5 Surf Safety Day


From the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers

This Sunday’s Gospel is the final scene of Luke’s Gospel for the liturgical year, Jesus forgives those who have rejected and punished him. Doing so, his mercy transcends time and his forgiveness extends to all who have rejected him throughout the ages. 

This Sunday is the feast of Christ the King. This feast was first initiated when storm clouds were gathering around Europe prior to the Second World War. The feast still reminds us that even in the midst of economic and social turmoil, Jesus Christ is the King of all creation.

Mission Day

It is very fitting at this time of year that within school we live our schools school motto ‘in omnibus caritas’ translating to ‘in all things love’. Today was Mission Day, where children think beyond their own needs and wishes and consider others who are less fortunate or marginalised in our society and help them. This was evident with students gathering to act out our motto as a whole school, the children opened stalls raising in excess of a staggering $800 for Mary MacKillop Today at our Mission Day, whose projects transform our donations into invaluable wealth such as education, teacher training and business skills in communities of need.

Norwood Christmas Pageant

The Norwood Payneham Christmas Pageant is this weekend and I’d like to thank the team of parents who have worked so hard in preparing our students. By being so generous with their time they have provided a ‘golden memory’ for every child involved and a unique opportunity for them to represent the public face of our school. I look forward to seeing many of you there.

End of Year Concert

This week our school puts the final finishing touches on the End of Year Performance to be held next Monday 25 November at the Norwood Town Hall. I need to thank Miss Hoare for the time she has invested into writing and choreographing the night’s performance. It should be a spectacular finale to a great 2019!

2020 Class Placement

Our teachers take their responsibility towards class placement very seriously to ensure that we do the best we can for every child based on their learning, social and emotional needs. I believe we have constructed well balanced classes that support students to develop new friendships as well as remain with previous friends, whilst considering the learnings from the dynamic of 2019 cohorts.

Over the past weeks I have continued to receive 2020 placement requests. I need to reinforce that the closure for these requests was 1 November, 2019. Fortunately, in most instances these requests had already been considered. I need to reinforce that such late requests erode the primary intent of the process and undermine the enormous amount of time and consideration that teachers place into this process.

On Monday of Week 9 the children will spend a session with their 2020 teacher/s and new classmates. On this day the 2020 Class Placements will be sent home via letter.

Vacation Care

It is amazing to think we are only 3 weeks away from the end of the school year which occurs on Wednesday 11 December at 3pm. Please have your Vacation Care bookings finalised by Friday 6 December (when the booking portal will close) to ensure appropriate staffing can be organised.

I look forward to writing my final newsletter next fortnight and sharing some exciting plans scheduled for 2020.

God Bless

Brady Stallard

Photo: Whole school rehearsal for 'SJMS Tonight' A Christmas Special

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From the Assistant Principal RIM

Dear Parents and Caregivers

On Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. Christ the King Sunday celebrates the role of Jesus as ruler over all of the universe. However, it's important to remember that despite this, Jesus is King because he is a humble servant. Jesus' kingship is one of power and might, but also love and humility, as demonstrated by his life on earth.

The freeing power of Christ is alive and working among us to lift up the poor and needy, and to bring life into a world of misery. His is not the ‘usual’ kind of kingdom that we know in the world of today. His ‘kingship’ is a power that moves more in a cosmic sense. We are invited to participate in this transforming work, bringing justice and peace into every heart and into every aspect of Creation.

The feast of Christ the King marks the last Sunday of the Liturgical Calendar before we enter the Season of Advent. 

God of the Cosmos,

you chose to restore all things in Christ your Son,

Move our hearts, in the love of Christ, to care for all you have made,

especially for all who need our help.

Make us worthy stewards of the gifts you have given,

as we generously give ourselves for the sake of the kingdom

where he lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God for ever and ever.


Mission Day

Thank you for all your support for Mission Day this week. All the students had a wonderful morning enjoying the festivities.

St Vincent de Paul Christmas Drive

A reminder that in weeks 7 and 8 we will be collecting donations of non-perishable foods for St Vincent de Paul to be shared at Christmas time with families in need. If you would like to donate a gift for a child, this too would be gratefully accepted. Please send donated goods to your child’s classroom where they will be collected on the morning of Thursday 5 December.

Thank you in anticipation of your generosity.

Grace Vassallo-Wakefield


Photo: Face Painting at the 2019 Mary MacKillop Mission Day

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Mission Day 2019

Thank you to everyone for making the 2019 SJMS Mary MacKillop Mission Day the best yet! Everyone had a wonderful time as we raised money for Mary MacKillop Today!

View the photos from the morning here.

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End of Year Concert

Where: Norwood Concert Hall (175 The Parade, Norwood)

When: Monday 25 November (Week 7)

Time: 7pm

On the night, we ask that students are dropped off at the Concert Hall’s George St entrance at 6:30pm. They will be greeted by a staff member on arrival, signed in and taken back stage.

Each class will be supervised, back stage, by their classroom teacher for the duration of the performance.


As this is a compulsory school event, all students are expected to be present. If your child is unable to attend, could you please inform their classroom teacher as soon as possible.


Please refer to the note (click here) to see what your child is required to wear. This is, by no means, meant to be a costly task. Our local St Vincent De Paul and Salvation Army (Norwood) are aware of the event, and will happily assist with any of your needs.


Tickets are $6 per person (adults and children) and can be purchased at the following link Please note - SJMS students performing do not need to purchase a ticket.

We look forward to showcasing our talent at this fantastic event. The night will be filled with singing, dancing and, most importantly, Christmas spirit!

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Norwood Christmas Pageant

You are invited to join us at the Norwood Christmas Pageant!

When: Saturday 23 November 2019

Time: Please arrive no later than 9:30am to our meeting spot

Where: Please meet at 14a (there will be a cone with our number) on the Norwood Parade

What to wear: Christmas colours and any SJMS items ie. hat or umbrella

If you like, please bring along an umbrella that is decorated with some Christmas spirit!

For example: Get an old umbrella and stick Christmas tinsel or attach Christmas baubles to it. Feel free to ask one of the friendly Preschool staff for some ideas.

Please note that the event requests all children to be accompanied by an adult over 18 years of age.

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Join us Friday mornings at Playgroup!

At St Joseph's Memorial Playgroup - everyone is welcome!

Term 4 dates remaining:
Friday 22 November - Bake ANZAC cookies!
Friday 29 November
Friday 6 December

9am until 11am

46 Bridge St Kensington - in the Preschool Room

It's free - bookings not needed!

What to bring:
Water bottle and a piece of fruit to share

We hope to see you there!

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Vacation Care

Bookings are now open for Dec 2019 and Jan 2020 Vacation Care. Please finalise your bookings by Friday Week 8 (6 December, when the iParent Portal will close for bookings). Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Thursday 12 Dec 2019 to Friday 13 Dec 2019 - Pupil Free Day $60 per day, per child, before CCS

Monday 16 Dec 2019 to Friday 20 Dec 2019 - Vacation Care $60 per day, per child, before CCS

Monday 13 Jan 2020 to Friday 24 Jan 2020 - Vacation Care $60 per day, per child, before CCS

Book via the iParent Portal. Thank you.

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Term Dates

Term 4 finishes on Wednesday 11 December at 3pm

Term 1 Tuesday 28 January to Thursday 9 April
Term 2 Monday 27 April to Friday 3 July
Term 3 Monday 20 July to Friday 25 September
Term 4 Monday 12 October to Friday 11 December

Term 1 Wednesday 27 January to Friday 9 April
Term 2 Tuesday 27 April to Friday 2 July
Term 3 Monday 19 July to Friday 24 September
Term 4 Monday 11 October to Friday 10 December

Term 1 Monday 31 January to Thursday 14 April
Term 2 Monday 2 May to Friday 8 July
Term 3 Monday 25 July to Friday 30 September
Term 4 Monday 17 October to Friday 16 December

Term 1 Monday 30 January to Friday 14 April
Term 2 Monday 1 May to Friday 7 July
Term 3 Monday 24 July to Friday 29 September
Term 4 Monday 16 October to Friday 15 December

Term 1 Monday 29 January to Friday 12 April
Term 2 Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July
Term 3 Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September
Term 4 Monday 14 October to Friday 13 December

Term 1 Tuesday 28 January to Friday 11 April
Term 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July
Term 3 Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September
Term 4 Monday 13 October to Friday 12 December

Please ensure you check the school calendar regularly for important dates and events.

Please note - Pupil free days from 2020 onwards to be advised.

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Police Checks for Volunteers

Catholic Police Check Application Forms are available from either school office.

Please note - there are many times throughout the school year where visitors are required to have a current Catholic Police Check (parents/caregivers attending excursions, reading in class, helping in class, attending community events).

This process ensures we maintain a child safe environment. To avoid disappointment, we encourage you to apply for a Catholic Police Check through either school office.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at either office.

Thanking you

The SJMS Admin Team.


The Southern Cross News

Click here to read the latest news from the Southern Cross