Tuesday 2 April 2019 - Week 10 Term 1

Catholic Education South Australia

St Joseph's Memorial School Newsletter


Year 6 and 7 students involved in filming segments for Behind the News

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A message from the Principal

Dear SJMS Community

I can’t believe that we are in the penultimate week of term and that the Easter holidays are upon us. This is the final newsletter for Term 1. I’d like to thank everybody on behalf of the staff team for your support and commitment to our school during this term. It is the people who make up our community - be they student, staff, parent, extended family member, parishioner, board or P&F member, and our shared commitment to each and every child that create this unique and special school.


Reception Gold on Harmony Day

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A message from the Assistant Principal RIM

Dear SJMS Community Members

Last Sunday at Mass we heard the parable of the Prodigal Son. This parable only appears in Luke’s Gospel. It is a favourite parable when we are teaching our children about forgiveness and unconditional love.

In the story, the younger son turns his back on his father and runs away. After squandering his father’s gift, he decides it is in his best interests to return home. On his return, the son is not confronted with a closed door but rather with a father waiting on the front porch, waiting for his return.


Snapshots from the Year 1 Blue Liturgy

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A message from the Parents and Friends Committee

Dear SJMS Community Members

The P&F would love to support businesses linked to the SJMS community; we often purchase items for lunch orders, fundraising events and morning teas and we would welcome contacts for businesses that might be keen to build an ongoing relationship. The community at SJMS is generous in its time and spirit and we hope to extend this in our ongoing willingness to support our community and local businesses. As an extension to this over the coming weeks you will see some information sent out regarding a network/directory being put together for SJMS community members to list business details for only the school community to access. If you own or operate a business, or are able to provide a skill or service and want to list your company details should someone within the community be looking for a product or service. We would be looking at making the directory available electronically and maintaining the details via the P&F, with an annual review.

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A message from the School Board Chairperson

Dear SJMS Community

I’m very grateful to have been given the opportunity to help guide the SJMS Board as Chairperson. I look forward to working collaboratively with each member of the Board and to listening to you as valued community members to ensure we can provide the necessary leadership and strategic direction to continue to build a safe and dynamic community for our children now and into the future; and to promote the Catholic mission of the school internally and to the broader community. I look forward to supporting our talented Board members to help inform our decision making and to encourage our community to grow and learn from each other.

In taking on this new role I sadly relinquish the role of Co-Chair of the P&F, I know the amazing committee lead by Bridget White will continue to provide community events that bring the true spirit of SJMS together whilst raising funds to provide better amenities for our children.

Wishing you all a wonderful upcoming break and safe and happy Easter celebrations.

Warm regards

Megan Nehmy

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Catholic Police Checks for Volunteers

Catholic Police Checks are free to submit for volunteers!

Application Forms are available from either school office.

Please note - there are many times throughout the school year where visitors are required to have a current Catholic Police Check (parents/caregivers attending excursions, reading in class, helping in class, attending community events).

This process ensures we maintain a child safe environment. To avoid disappointment, we encourage you to apply for a Catholic Police Check through either school office.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at either office.

Thanking you

The SJMS Admin Team

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NAPLAN information for Parents and Caregivers

Last Thursday 28 March all schools involved in NAPLAN online for 2019 were to participate in a Coordinated Practice Test. We were advised on Thursday morning that a number of schools nationally experienced difficulties accessing the practice test and were asked to stand down from the test that morning.

Issues experienced on Thursday have been resolved and schools can now undertake or complete the practice test. SJMS has rescheduled the practice test for Thursday 4 April (Year 3 and 7) and Wednesday 10 April (Year 5).

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2019 Term Dates

A reminder Term 1 finishes on Friday 12 April at 3pm

Term 2 - Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July

Term 3 - Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September

Term 4 - Monday 14 October to Wednesday 11 December

Please ensure you check the school calendar regularly for important dates and events.

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April Vacation Care Information

The following dates OSHC is available from 7am until 6pm at Bridge St (bookings essential)
Monday 15 to Thursday 18 April Vacation Care $60 per day
Tuesday 23, Wednesday 24 and Friday 26 April Vacation Care $60 per day

Click here for the program.

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Behind the News

Last week we were fortunate to have Behind the News visited and film segments with some of our Year 6/7 student leaders.

To view the photos from the afternoon click here.